Tag Archives: Food

Big Bear Weekend Highlights Aug 29 – Sept 1

Labor Day Weekend has come and gone.  It was a beautiful weekend with blue skies, warm weather and lots of fun.   Musical gigs, a hike, a boat ride and friends – who could ask for more?

As a musician here in Big Bear, I had three shows.  First, Full Flight got a gig at The Wine Room at Wolf Creek Friday night.  Full Flight was really only 2/3 Flight as our lead guitarist was not available.  Rebecca and I were set up and ready to play when we got a call from the owners.   Could Full Flight open for Eric Lindell at The Cave?  Since it was the same company that owned both venues, we agreed and rushed over to The Cave.     We decided to stick with originals and just a couple of covers, playing acoustic guitar and flute.  After all, we were only planning on an intimate set at The Wine Room.   What an experience!  A huge stage, big graphics behind us and a very powerful house system.  A big thanks to everyone at The Cave!  Here is a video of our original “Long Cold Winter” performed there:

Afterwards, we rushed back to The Wine Room to complete our obligation there.  A nice couple actually waited over an hour for us to come back!  For their patience, we tailored our set around what they wanted to hear.  It was an exciting night and both venues went well.

Saturday morning came with sunshine and promise.  A short walk in the morning down to Boulder Bay helped to get the day going.   Rebecca’s other band – Plethora – had a gig Saturday night at the newly remodeled bar and grill in Sugarloaf called Grifters (locals still call it The Roadhouse or The Sugarloafer).  Most of Saturday was relaxing and preparing for that show.  I filled in for Steve Wilson, who is helping with the Northern California Fires right now.  When we got to Grifters at 8:00 pm, it was busy.  I was very pleased the kitchen was still open.   The area where we were supposed to set up still had customers dining so I ordered the avocado bacon burger and fries. To my surprise – the burger was huge andcame with a generous amount of fries.  I dove in and noticed this was not a bar fare burger.  It turns out they use Angus beef!  Score!  I washed it down with a beer and went to set up.  We had a great show and the place was filled to capacity.  Everyone had a great time.  Here is “Long Cold Winter” with a full band:

Sunday came and once again it was a picture perfect day.  There is one  of the worlds largest lodgepole pine trees here in Big Bear and I wanted to chronicle it before the weather changes.  I will be doing a full write up regarding this trail later this week – but here is a nice slideshow of the highlights.

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Labor Day Monday found us out on a boat again – enjoying the warm weather with our friends.   We then went back and had a barbecue (of course) and watched our Saturday show with friends who could not make it that night.

Living here in Big Bear is a constant adventure.  I have done more hiking, playing, and socializing in the 7 years since I moved here than in the previous 20 years.  Writing this blog is a privilege and an honor that I hold as one of my lifetime achievements.   I thank everyone who reads and shares this, everyone who attends Full Flight or Plethora shows and all the great people who make Big Bear the wonderful place it is.

Weekend Highlights – July 19

What a fun packed weekend we had up here in the bear.   On this post I will mainly talk about the Doo Dah Parade in Fawnskin – since that is where I spent a good part of my day.  First, I made my way to Fawnskin before 9:00 am and got a good spot in front of the Moose Lodge.  My friend and fellow musician Duke Michaels was entertaining the crowd as people eagerly awaited the festivities to start.  Coffee and danish among other things were provided by the Moose Lodge 2085.

Duke and Elvis
Duke Michaels stops to chat with Elvis

There were rumors that the Fawnskin Super Secret Air-force was going to make an appearance.  No one knows who is in this Air-force or even how many planes they have.  Rumor has it that it is so secret, the pilots don’t even know they are in it!  We were not disappointed as 5 of them did a flyby to officially launch the days festivities.

Next came the Color Guard and the parade begins!
Color Guard


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A Doo Dah Parade is best when you have a lot of “interesting” characters…

There were some competitions and feats of strength as is the Old Miners tradition…

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I head off and make my way to my afternoon gig (Full Flight shameless plug) at Le Dolce Vita  Tasting Room – had a great time playing as always but the highlight this time was that I tried their Bistro Plate.  OMG! 3 types of meat, dried blueberries, cherries and nuts, a purple port cheese, blue cheese, goat fig cheese and more.  Chris and I were exclaiming our praises and describing each one so tastily that Brian Bianchi had to make 3 more trays for the other people there!  You have to try one, it is an experience of food taste overload.

After our show, we load up the equipment and head off to take Chris to his next gig, Beyond Karaoke at the Boathouse Lakeside Tavern.  I stop for a moment to have a cold one and enjoy the sunset:

Sunset from The Boathouse Tavern

I have choir in the morning – so I opt to get an early night – been running around all day.  I bid everyone farewell and head on home, capturing one last look at the setting sun

The day ends, the night begins

I catch up with everything else I missed the Sunday morning on Facebook.  Jennifer from One Story tells me “We love playing The Cave! It’s always a great time and the sound there is amazing. Can’t wait to get back on stage!”

Weekend Highlights – July 12

Saturday, July 12.  It is the day of the Big Bear Chili Cook-off and I got up and ready early.  Cameras charged and ready, schedules printed, car packed up and a nice breakfast all before 8 am.  I drove in from Boulder Bay and stopped to take a picture of the sky.  How many perfect days can there be?  Every day when you live in Big Bear.

I started my day at the west entrance to the village.  I wanted to see all the dune buggies head out for their drive around the lake.  Unofficial count was over 270 vehicles from all over the world were participating in this event, making it the largest gathering of Meyers Manx vehicles in the world!  I was not disappointed at the colorful display.

I made my way over to the Bartlett Road parking lot where the chili cook-off was just setting up.  After getting my official Old Miners Association badge, I set off to get interviews with every competitor before the crowd of hungry chili eaters showed up.  I learned last year that you don’t interview the cook while the ravenous chili fans are wanting a taste!

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I got to take a “sneak taste” before the masses came in.  There are benefits to this job.
Will Samples ChiliAs the people started to show up, I took a walk checking out all the vendors.

I hear music!  I better go check out the bands!

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According to my schedule, I gotta go to the Outhouse Races!

There were many other fun things for the kids to do,   they climbed up the wall and bounced.

One kid had her Grandma thrown in the hoosegow.  Grandma was found guilty of “spoiling her grand-kids”.  Richard Milner was acting judge and jury.

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Its a little warm, so I stopped by Elite Cheer and their Dunk Tank just in time to catch a good dunking (NOT STAGED, I just got lucky)

Toward the end of the day, there was a gunfight at the O.K. Corral
Shoot the bad guySo many good friends, good times, good fun!

The Shoot-n-Holler contest is always popular, you get a free shot of tequila – then you holler.  One rule, you cannot take a breath during your holler and continue.  Automatic dis-qualifier and the crowd gets to boo you off!

Finally, its time for the winners.

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Big Bear Weekend Update July 11

Saturday, July 12 the place to be is in Big Bear Village.  Start of your morning early by finding parking anywhere around the village and be at Northwoods Resort at 9:00 am to watch over 200 dune buggys start off for their drive around the lake.  Make your way over to Bartlett Road Parking Lot before 10:30 for the Big Bear Chili Cook-off.  Sample chili as cooks from around the country vie to advance toward becoming one of four 2014 International Chili Society World Chili Champions.  Other gourmet food vendors abound so you have plenty of food to choose from.  There is beer and wine sold to wash down that chili too.  Listen to one of 3 bands playing, Plethora, Duke Michaels Band and Shadow Mountain Band.  Watch our famous outhouse races, watch or participate in the Shoot-n-Holler contest and more.

All lined up and ready to roll