Tag Archives: Labor Day

Big Bear Weekend Highlights Aug 29 – Sept 1

Labor Day Weekend has come and gone.  It was a beautiful weekend with blue skies, warm weather and lots of fun.   Musical gigs, a hike, a boat ride and friends – who could ask for more?

As a musician here in Big Bear, I had three shows.  First, Full Flight got a gig at The Wine Room at Wolf Creek Friday night.  Full Flight was really only 2/3 Flight as our lead guitarist was not available.  Rebecca and I were set up and ready to play when we got a call from the owners.   Could Full Flight open for Eric Lindell at The Cave?  Since it was the same company that owned both venues, we agreed and rushed over to The Cave.     We decided to stick with originals and just a couple of covers, playing acoustic guitar and flute.  After all, we were only planning on an intimate set at The Wine Room.   What an experience!  A huge stage, big graphics behind us and a very powerful house system.  A big thanks to everyone at The Cave!  Here is a video of our original “Long Cold Winter” performed there:

Afterwards, we rushed back to The Wine Room to complete our obligation there.  A nice couple actually waited over an hour for us to come back!  For their patience, we tailored our set around what they wanted to hear.  It was an exciting night and both venues went well.

Saturday morning came with sunshine and promise.  A short walk in the morning down to Boulder Bay helped to get the day going.   Rebecca’s other band – Plethora – had a gig Saturday night at the newly remodeled bar and grill in Sugarloaf called Grifters (locals still call it The Roadhouse or The Sugarloafer).  Most of Saturday was relaxing and preparing for that show.  I filled in for Steve Wilson, who is helping with the Northern California Fires right now.  When we got to Grifters at 8:00 pm, it was busy.  I was very pleased the kitchen was still open.   The area where we were supposed to set up still had customers dining so I ordered the avocado bacon burger and fries. To my surprise – the burger was huge andcame with a generous amount of fries.  I dove in and noticed this was not a bar fare burger.  It turns out they use Angus beef!  Score!  I washed it down with a beer and went to set up.  We had a great show and the place was filled to capacity.  Everyone had a great time.  Here is “Long Cold Winter” with a full band:

Sunday came and once again it was a picture perfect day.  There is one  of the worlds largest lodgepole pine trees here in Big Bear and I wanted to chronicle it before the weather changes.  I will be doing a full write up regarding this trail later this week – but here is a nice slideshow of the highlights.

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Labor Day Monday found us out on a boat again – enjoying the warm weather with our friends.   We then went back and had a barbecue (of course) and watched our Saturday show with friends who could not make it that night.

Living here in Big Bear is a constant adventure.  I have done more hiking, playing, and socializing in the 7 years since I moved here than in the previous 20 years.  Writing this blog is a privilege and an honor that I hold as one of my lifetime achievements.   I thank everyone who reads and shares this, everyone who attends Full Flight or Plethora shows and all the great people who make Big Bear the wonderful place it is.